Cos'è Square Food Foundation?
Bristol’s Community Cookery School, Square Food Foundation è un'impresa sociale che ha come missione quella di insegnare a tutti, in qualunque momento della loro vita, come cucinare del cibo buono. Buono per la salute, per l'ambiente e per chi lo produce.
Square Food ha la sua base a The Park a Knowle West, ma si muove in tutta Bristol riuscendo a fornire corsi di cucina per tutta la comunità.
E' stata fondata da Barny Haughton, vincitore nel 2016 del BBC Radio Bristol Food Hero Award.
Barny ha più di 25 anni di esperienza come chef, gestore di ristoranti e scuole di cucina.
L'organizzazione si traduce attivamente in diverse attività:
1. Square Food offre corsi di cucina gratuiti per alcuni gruppi della comunità e corsi per studenti e giovani a prezzi per loro abbordabili. Attualmente sta lavorando con NEET, govani con problemi comportamentali, famiglie, prostitute...
2.Sviluppo professionale ‘Cooking in the Classroom’, aumentando la capacità comunicativa degli insegnanti cucinando in classe. Il programma SFF/Milestones Food Champions prevede uno sviluppo professionaleper per i cuochi nelle case di riposo.
3. Ci occupiamo di organizzare una serie di masterclass per gruppi o individuali i cui ricavati servono per finanziare la SFFs community cookery work.
What is Square Food Foundation?
Bristol’s Community Cookery School, Square Food Foundation is a social enterprise (CIC) that delivers high quality hands on food education – Its mission is to teach people from all walks of life to cook good food
Square Food is based at its bespoke teaching kitchen at The Park in Knowle West. Additionally, it teaches all over Bristol, taking cookery classes out into the wider community.
It was established by Barny Haughton, winner of the 2016 BBC Radio Bristol Food Hero Award, who has 25 years of experience running restaurants and cookery schools in Bristol.
There are four main areas of organisational activity:
1. Square Food offers charities and community groups, schools and colleges cost-price cookery classes. Currently working with: Young people NEET, sex workers, young people with social, behavioural and educational needs, local families and more.
2. Professional Development work includes ‘Cooking in the Classroom’ – empowering teachers to deliver hands on cooking in the classroom. The SFF/Milestones Food Champions Programme – professional development for residential care home cooks
3. Commercially – Square Food offers a series of Masterclasses to fee paying individuals as well as corporate/team building cooking sessions. Every penny of profit from these activities supports SFFs community cookery work