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Friday, May 19th, 11 a.m.


Il pesce e la sua cucina tra Medioevo ed Età moderna 

Centrality of fish on the medieval table is well known: main substitute of meat for lean days, fundamental for the diet required by monastic rules, it has been appreciated by chefs for a long time. It is one of the first products about which authors were interested, to determine its quality based on his origin. It is worth to talk about it.

Speaker Antonella Campanini, UniSG Professor

We need to learn how to protect biodiversity. Conferences on human and environmental health, the different seafood, the consumer behavior, the fish history on our table, and food waste reduction will be held everyday in the Unisg Stand . 

We will talk about the protection of marine ecosystems and about how to facing complex problems such as pollution from pelagic tar and aquaculture that have a real impact on the environment. We will demonstrate how passing to a short value-chain fishing system is a fundamental step in ensuring healthy, tasty and environmentally friendly fish products.

Friday, May 19th, 4 p.m.


All you can eat 

Let’s start from the primary source: where do the fish we eat or buy come from? How does it affect at social, economic and environmental level?

Our Professor of Science of Animal Biodiversity - University of Gastronomic Science- Gabriele Volpato, will discuss current issues in order to understand better what is behind this unknown and hidden production chain.

A voyage to discover fish seasonality, reproductive cycles not respected enough by students and intensive fish farms. And in addition, case studies like abandoned fishing nets, biological invasions in the Mediterranean Sea and new competitions man-animal.

Speaker Gabriele Volpato, Unisg Professor

Saturday, May 20th, 4 p.m.

Stiamo freschi: 

tips for informed purchases of counterfeiting

From short-necked clam or fraudulent swordfish to farmed fish sold as caught or carbon monoxide. Let’s deal with these counterfeits and the most frequent issues we face in a fishery: freshness, species, origin. Practical examples for a safe fish buying.

Dalle vongole "quasi" veraci al finto spada, dal pesce allevato venduto come pescato al monossido di carbonio. Affrontiamo insieme le varie contraffazioni e le problematiche più frequenti nella vendita in pescheria: freschezza, specie, provenienza.. esempi pratici per un acquisto del pesce in sicurezza 

Speaker Paola Saracco, Vet and UniSG student

Saturday, May 20th, 11 a.m.


Aquacolture: is it the problem or the solution?

Crustacean, fish and shellfish are widespread. We use to produce and consume them.
Can they be consider a sustainible production also considering big quantities or are they a new environmental problem?
This conference will be a trip to discover different acquacolture practices. A sort of guide in wich you will learn how to recognise and select the products, looking forward to the future.

Speaker Bianca Mazzi, Alumna UniSG

Sunday,May 21st, h.11 a.m.

Look at me

Simona Bonelli, professor of Gastronomic Zoology at UNISG, supported by some students, offers a food journey that starts from the microscope and becomes a bite to taste examining common and unusual invertebrates, animals threatened with extinction, alien and native species fighting between them and poisoning fish considered a special delicacy. Pills of the university's lessons and amazing curiosity.                        


Speaker Simona Bonelli, UniSG Professor

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